domingo, 7 de junio de 2015


¡Acabáramos! ¡Hablando se entiende la gente!

Este jefazo de Warner Bros y yo ya estamos de acuerdo en algo: No están haciendo pelis de superhéroes. ¡Haberlo dicho antes!

Nótese que este "lapsus freudiano" conlleva un desdén implícito hacia el género que les va a dar de comer en muchos años por venir.

Y por eso, por no aceptar lo que están haciendo, salen las cosas como salen.

Les das una cuerda, y ellos solitos se ahorcan... ;-)))

We have a great strategy for the DC films, which is to take these beloved characters and put them in the hands of master filmmakers and make sure they all coordinate with each other. You’ll see the difference when you see Batman v. Superman, Suicide Squad, Justice League and all the things that we are working on.

Sobre si Batman V Superman es muy oscura:

There is intensity and a seriousness of purpose to some of these characters. The filmmakers who are tackling these properties are making great movies about superheroes; they aren’t making superhero movies

And when you are trying to make a good movie, you tackle interesting philosophies and character development. There’s also humor, which is an important part.

Sobre la directora de Wonder Woman:

We had a very intensive process looking at everybody. Patty and Michelle were really the ones who came to the forefront the first go-round, so when things didn’t work out with Michelle, we all knew we had someone great who had expressed interest before. She came back and is doing a great job. But it was never about the best female director. She has demonstrated doing amazing work with female characters, such as in Monster.

Sobre cómo escoger a los guionistas para un proyecto:

Every project is different. On some projects, we have multiple writers working together. In some cases, we put writers together who have never been a team together. And sometimes, there is only one writer whose voice is right. In the case of Wonder Woman, the right approach was to have writers pitching different scenes within the framework we created.

Así que cada escena de Wonder Woman se le ocurre a un guionista diferente... ¡Esto va a ser como "Escoge tu propia aventura"...!

1 comentario:


"Así que cada escena de Wonder Woman se le ocurre a un guionista diferente... ¡Esto va a ser como "Escoge tu propia aventura"...! "

LOL! XD Y nos quejabamos de los comics hechos a 20 manos...
Desde luego tiene usted razón, mal van si se les escapa que las películas las hacen casi por obligación.Curiosamente la TV-DC si esta haciendo un buen papel, quizás deberian centrarse en ello y hacer películas con los equipos de las series